Simplified Merchants

Simplified Merchant uses the same merchant settings, excluding the callback pages. Each user can be a merchant and can use this very simple feature when accepting payments from a user’s website.

The simplified merchant is a widget through which PayCo generates a code by using the merchant settings. Once the simple merchant code has been created, the code can be copied and pasted on any of the pages of the user’s website.

Simplified Merchant

The procedure consists of the following steps:

1. The website shows an image button indicating that the payment would be made via PayCo. 2. Click the image so you can be directed to the PayCo Merchant Gateway. 3. Enter your account email and password. 4. Select the wallet to charge the payment. 5. Click the Checkout button; then confirm payment. 6. Click the "Back to Site". 7. PayCo sends an email to you and returns a transaction ID and signature to the website. 8. The website receives notification, and the merchant authenticates the signature and processes the payment.

The simplified merchant is user-friendly, but you can be sure of its security. Authentication is executed when the Pay button is clicked. And once the transaction is completed, a signature is sent to the website so that the merchant can authenticate if the payment is legitimate transaction from PayCo.

There are three basic requirements in order to use the simplified merchant:

1. The amount of to be paid. Amount should be set id="payco-amount" 2. The currency of the amount to be paid. Currency should be set id="payco-curr" 3. The url to receive the post variables "tid" and "sign". The URL should be a publicly addressable URL. A sample simple_status.php is shown in the sample code.
Jumpstart Simplified Merchant
1. Log to your PayCo account. Select merchant dashboard, click `Settings`. Fill the form: name of shop, In URL the Return, Cancel and Status, you can use any site, e.g. 2. The currency of the amount to be paid. Currency should be set id="payco-curr2. In the Security, enter your preferred separator, e.g. xxx, enter your secret word (Please write this down in a safe place for security, secret word once saved is not shown). Enter test account, notify by email and lastly, select the Default Wallet where all payments will be credited. Save the entries and make sure you have all informations recorded. 3. Go to Profile, under the Simple Merchant, there are two enties. Simple Signature and Generate Simple Code. You need to generate a simple code that will be used by you in the website. This is a long series of characters depending on your settings. Do not worry, the simple signature is encrypted and only PayCo can decipher this. The Generate Simple Code will not be shown if there is no Simple Signature generated. 4. Click the edit icon in the Simple Signature, click the Generate button, once the Signature input box is refreshed, click apply. Click Save Changes. The generated simple code contains two attribute, cb (confirmation url) and the sw (secret word). Enter the confirmation url and the secret word in the div `payco-shop`.

You are now ready to use PayCo Simplified Merchant.

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